Emperor of Japan's family has first social network account


3 April, 2024


The Imperial family of Japan for the first time appeared in social networks: it has started an Instagram account. This was reported by Sky News.

 On the page 60 photos and five videos were published. From them you can learn how the imperial family celebrated the New Year and what they have been doing since the beginning of January. For example, the Emperor met with the President of Kenya and visited the Tokyo Museum of Art.

 On the first day, more than 400 thousand users subscribed to the account of the Japanese imperial family. Such a response should please the representatives of the monarchy: they started a page in social networks to get rid of the image of recluses.

 In addition, the imperial family hopes to attract the attention of a younger audience, the most active in the network. However, subscribers are not yet able to comment on publications on the page.

To contact the emperor or his relatives, the Japanese still need to use the official website. However, the press service of the imperial family expects that Instagram will help the public better understand the duties of the monarch.

 The current emperor of Japan is Naruhito, the son of the honorable Emperor Akihito, who abdicated in 2019. According to media reports, most fans of the Japanese monarchy today belong to the older generation.

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